
I wanna be your fucktoy..

I wanna be your fucktoy..

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  1. Go for your friend, not for the company there. It can be done. Value your friendship and don’t let MAGAssholes ruin any good time for you. You deserve to be there just as much as they do.

    My sister’s first marriage was to a southern Trumper family. I showed up, refused to drink with any of them (they were big drinkers and kept pushing me to have one with them), I had a glass of wine with dinner, found the people who aren’t Trumpers to socialize with. I’m from the California coast, so being in South Carolina, that family already has me pegged as a “coastal elite,” which I’m completely fine with. I don’t have anything in common with them, I’m just there to support my sister. The marriage last d 8 months before they called it off. Shocking 🙄

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in what position would you do me?